In April 2022, Anderson Engineering sponsored athlete Graham Wells, in his IRONMAN event where he participated for the charity IRONMAN 4 the Kidz. The IRONMAN 4 the Kidz Charity’s aim is to raise funds annually, to make a tangible difference in the lives of children in need. In the week following the event Graham visited us and shared a truly inspirational and uplifting talk about his journey of giving through sport. Graham shared some humbling and inspiring thoughts and words with the team, about his various sporting events he has done over the years for charity, from countless marathons and Ironman events, to barefoot comrades, and back to back comrades. But always for a greater cause.
His overarching message was one of extreme gratitude, to God, to the many donors to the charities he has competed for, to Anderson for supporting his latest effort, and for the gift of life where you get to take on challenges that may terrify you and which you face with great fear, but yet you get do them anyway. He really inspired everyone at Anderson to see that every one of us, can do anything, if we put our minds to it. He sees himself as a regular guy and believes absolutely anyone, can conquer the events he has. Our greatest thanks go out to Graham for sharing his very motivating talk with our Anderson team and for competing in the Iron man event for the kids, flying the Anderson flag high.