It’s been three years since Anderson Engineering identified the need for waiting shelters for school children. They recently added another school to the list of beneficiaries, Alston Primary School on Greyling Street in the CBD area, which educates more than 1 000 children from communities as far afield as Hammarsdale and Winterskloof. The Principal, Mrs. Valencia James commented, “In these difficult economic times, kind gestures like this serve only to bring hope to destitute parents, guardians, learners and the community at large.”
The shelter at Alston Primary has a multi-purpose function:
In the morning and afternoon it serves as a protective waiting area for the children who arrive as early as 06h15 and leave as late as 16h00.
It serves as a pleasant protective dining area for the children to sit under and enjoy a hearty meal provided by the School Nutrition Programme.
During the breaks it provides seating for those children who enjoy sitting and socialising or reading.
It has also created a new discipline and structure in the mornings which has had a positive spin- off as a result of the creation of a new entrance at the shelter and a walkway for the learners.
It was while the company was in the process of erecting the shelter that there was an additional request for aid from the school and they were only too happy to oblige. The school had been informed that a high profile delegation of Parliamentarians and Department of Education officials would be visiting the school to participate in the International Nelson Mandela Day and a key part of the visit was the raising of the South African flag. While the school has a flag pole, it was not located in the area where they were to conduct the ceremony. Within the day, the team at Anderson Engineering had relocated the pole and the ceremony took place on schedule! “The erection of the flag pole in its new spot has added value to the character and culture of our school,” commented Mrs. James, “Anderson Engineering is a company dedicated to being of service to others and you have made your mark on International Nelson Mandela Day as a company committed to change. A change that makes a difference to those in need.”