Anderson Engineering donates new computer for the school children at the St Joseph Baynes Children’s Home

Anderson Engineering have made a donation of a computer workstation for the 42 school aged children who live at the Salvation Army Joseph Baynes Children’s Home in Pietermaritzburg.

Upon visiting the home recently, the Managing Director, Hennie de Jager was exposed to a number of the children requesting the use of a computer for school projects and curriculum-based projects that require internet access. The workstation that was in place at the time was not in working order and the disappointment he witnessed in the children was tangible. Hennie and his colleagues vowed to ensure the children have an operating workstation for the new 2020 school year.

“I am so impressed by the efficient and seamless running of the Pietermaritzburg Salvation Children’s Home,” said Hennie. “The children are happy and always in good spirits and it very clear there is a deep sense of respect and gratitude. We are really pleased to be able to assist such a well run, successful community home and are in awe at the dedication and love by Major Tersia and her team”.

Major Tersia Finn, Captain of the home and it’s Director of Services, expressed her deep gratitude for the donation and the impact it will have especially for the senior primary and high school children at the home. Unlike many countries in the world where internet access and computer literacy is the norm, it is still very much a privilege in South Africa and one which the children of this 82 children home did not have access to.

The computer was sourced, installed and set-up by CNM computers, a local IT business who also assisted Anderson Engineering by providing the unit at a reduced cost and offering their time to install and set-up the system.


The Salvation Army Joseph Baynes Children’s Home in Pietermaritzburg provides love and hope for a better life to 82 abandoned, neglected and abused children, including some who are mentally challenged as well as others living with HIV and Aids. The children care is provided irrespective of race, colour or creed and includes tiny babies through to teenagers. Some children stay briefly as they are helped through especially difficult or short term emergency situations. Others remain for years. However, the aim is to reunite families as quickly as possible or to place young people in a family environment through fostering and adoption.

The word “home” is of paramount importance. Joseph Baynes provides a compassionate, safe, secure, loving environment including accommodation, care and psychosocial support. With the help of the Joseph Baynes staff and carefully designed programmes, children are encouraged to grow mentally, physically and spiritually to become responsible adults. Many have been through traumatic experiences. All children have individual counseling sessions with a trained social worker. Those with serious issues are counseled by Psychologists. Group counseling takes place weekly during school terms. The home focuses on keeping the children healthy and happy.

To contact The Salvation Army Joseph Baynes Children’s Home or to make a donation contact

Major Tersia Finn

Tel: 033 386 2326
